Sheri of Kyddo’s Hoard

Game Collectors are big on the value of community, so we’re sending a massive thank you to the amazing Graphic Designer Sheri from Kyddo’s Hoard!

Sheri is a self-taught, free-lance graphic designer and artist based in Melbourne who started the business Kyddo’s Hoard in 2021, and we’re so delighted to be featuring some of their amazing pieces that have brought our concept designs to life (You’ve seen the shiny Mew and the Eevee-loutions! We’re obsessed!).

It’s definitely in your best interest to go check out Sheri’s page on Instagram _cherry.goat_ – you will not be disappointed! And when you get some design work done for yourselves (we know you will!) make sure to mention Game Collectors while you’re at it!

Welcome to the Game Collectors community Sheri! And once again, a massive thank you.

Happy Collecting!


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